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Fate Stay Night: Saber the Slave

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"Geez, I really hate cleaning." A man with dark hair wearing a simple white t-shirt with blue jeans said as he entered his attic and looked around it to see it cluttered with unused items which was covered in dust. "I could use a slave to do this, just like in my favorite manga series." He couldn't help but become giddy before slapping himself lightly.

"Come on, I need to focus to finish this quickly." He said looking the small attic over, it was spacious in the middle, but the walls were full of junk. He noticed a trunk not far off and smirked. "Treasure I hope?" He said going over to it and opened it up to see what look like a bunch of magical items and books. "Hmmm, a book on mana and prana?" He said reading the cover before looking the rest of the stuff over.

"That’s right, granddad was always into this magic stuff. I wonder why my folks kept this crap?" He wondered looking at a scroll that had instructions on summoning a servant. Looking it over, it somewhat made sense to him and his eyes laid on three big three words which read 'Holy Grail War'.

"Holy Grail War?" He said looking at a summoning circle. "This reminds me of the alchemists from FMA series." He chuckled thinking of that awesome manga and anime. "Oh what the hell." He said going to the middle of the attic and began to draw out the diagram. Once done, he looked at the book and began to read a few sentences out loud.

"Your self is under me, my fate is in your sword.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead." He said as the diagram he drew out began to glow brightly, but never noticed it glowing as he kept reading.

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance!" He said which was followed by a small explosion that sent him flying backwards.

"Gaaaaaa!" He cried out, landing on the floor with a thud. "Uhhhhn, the hell was that?" He said looking at the smoke to soon see a figure standing there, that figure being none other than Saber. She was clad in her usual blue flowing dress and armor who stared at the man who summoned her.

"I am the Saber Class Servant, summoned to fight for you for the Holy Grail War, speak your name so that we may be bonded forever." She stated, as he looked at her in shock, unaware that command seals were appearing on the back of his right hand.

"Ummm, I, I'm Zen ma'am." He said still not believing what he was seeing.

"Zen." She said staring at him, making him gulp from the moment of silence. "Why is it, that I sense no prana from you?" She asked concerned.

"P-Prana?" He said remembering the word from his granddad’s trunk. "Sorry, what is that exactly?" He asked looking confused.

"You don't know about mana at all?" Saber asked a bit shocked. "If you don't, how do you expect to fight in the war?" She asked concerned as Zen gave no care for the war she spoke of.

"Say, did you say you were a servant?" He asked hopeful and changed the subject.

"Yes, of the Saber Class. You may call me Saber for now." Saber replied, feeling like he could not hide her name from their enemies.

"I see." He said rubbing his face a little. "So, that means you will do anything I say?"

"Yes, within reason. I just ask you not use your seals on your hand." She requested.

Despite pointing out the obvious, Zen didn't notice as great joy was welling up inside of him.

"So, you're my slave then?!" He cried out, feeling giddy.

"Hmmmm, to a point yes." Saber said sweating a little, getting a bad feeling.

"Oh my geek god!" The man jumped up shouting. "It's my lucky day! It’s my totally awesome day!" He shouted out, screaming in joy.

"Geek god? What god is that?" Saber said, confused what he meant.

"Hmmm." The man huffed growing serious as he looked at Saber. "Although nice, I don't care for your outfit." He stated.

"What is wrong with it? It’s a standard attire for battle." Saber asked with concern.

"Hold on, my mom is a pack rat and now I am thankful for it!" He said going to some stacked boxes and soon came back holding a teacher outfit. "Please, put this on." He requested.

"Ummmm, okay." Saber said taking the outfit. "Will this help me blend in?" She asked, thinking it was a tactic for the war.

"S-Sure, whatever. Just put it on! You can-" He said, about to direct her somewhere else to change before her current outfit just vanished, leaving her in dark underwear. "Whoa!" He cried out, not expecting that as Saber began to slip on the dark nude pantyhose.

"There a problem?" She asked, not being afraid to change in front of her master.

"N-No, not a problem at all." He said, keeping his hand over his nose to stop a nose bleed as he watched in glee as Saber got fully dressed in a dark blue suit which consisted of a jacket and matching skirt, with a tan undershirt and blue bow tie. "Amazing." He said blushing, as Saber kept tugging at her skirt.

"Why is this skirt so low? Don't tell me this is how people dress today?" She asked blushing lightly as Zen just watched with love stricken eyes.

"It's not short enough." He stated with a lustful look as his mind began to focus on other things.

While Saber was focused on the skirt and how stiff the clothing felt compared to her heavy but moveable regular clothing, Zen had produced a thick roll of silver duct tape and quickly approached Saber and instantly had her wrists pulled behind her back and was already wrapping the tape around her wrists.

"He-Hey!" Saber protested confused as she tried to pull her wrists away, but Zen had a firm hold on them as he bound them securely with tape. He then went on to wrap the tape around her arms at three different places as well as around her body across from the arms, which pinned them to her backside and above and below her breasts.

"Why are you tying me up?" She asked as Zen couldn't hide his smile from his face.

"Why indeed?" He asked making Saber frown as he bound the top of her thighs, above her knees, under her knees, the middle of her shins, ankles and finally the middle of her pantyhose feet in secure duct tape.

"There." He said happy, proud of his work.

"Grnr." Saber grunted as she moved her limbs to tug at the tape, to find the strange material very securing. "What is the purpose of this?" She asked again as Zen was now willing to answer.

"I consider this a fun thing to do." He replied simply.

"This is fun?" Saber asked, not understanding as a few strips of tape were smoothed over her face. "Mfpfmf!" She protested the gag as she squirmed and bucked about.

"Go ahead and get free, if you think you-" He began to say confidently before Saber broke free of the tape with little effort and began to peel the stuff off of her new clothing, thankful it fully covered her body as she guessed the sticky tape would hurt on her bare skin, which she soon confirmed as she yelped loudly from ripping off her gag.

"Gaaah!" She cried out, bright red marks over her mouth as she rubbed it. “That hurt a lot.” She grumbled.

"Really? You got out just like that?" He asked not believing it and was disappointed.

"Okay, you had your games. Now we need to-" Saber said as the man had vanished and quickly returned and dropping several rolls of duct tape before her. "Where are you getting this stuff?" She asked confused as the man rebound her the same, but using nearly 4 very thick rolls of silver duct tape to restrain and gag her this time. "Rrmrpmr!" Saber grunted out, starting to question why she was allowing this to happen.

"If you get out of this so quickly, I give up and we’ll talk about that war of yours." The man said proud as Saber shut her eyes out of annoyment but took a deep breath through her nose and resume her struggles, expecting the tape to break like last time, but she quickly realized it was not going to be that easy.

"Hehehe, won't be easy this time!" The man proclaimed happily as Saber wiggled and squirmed on the floor, blushing bright red in embarrassment that she couldn't break her bonds, believing only chains or lots of rope could restrain her.

"Rrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn!" Saber cried out as she took a very deep breath through her nose and began to use her full might along with a little prana to finally break free from the tape sometime later. "Gaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Saber cried out, once again ripping the tape off of her mouth as she pulled the broke tape off of her outfit.

"Again you did it, impressive." Zen said thinking she was going to be stuck for good.

"Enough! We need to discuss the war now!" Saber pleaded peeling the last of the tape off of her pantyhose, being careful not to rip them.

"Later, later with that war talk of yours. I can still have lots more fun with you." The man said happily with a grin as Saber just looked at him, wondering if he was crazy or something.

"I, I have to wonder if you're alright? I find this behavior to be highly irregular." She noted as the man had left the attic and returned with a black bag.

"I don't think you understand what it means to be in a master slave dynamic wonderful relationship such as ours." He said rummaging through his bag and soon pulled out rope this time which made Saber flinch a little.

"So you really are trying to tie me up?" She asked as the man untangled the rope.

"Problem with that?" He asked walking over to her as she glared a little, she knew she could resist but knew if he was dead set on it, all it would take is one command seal to make it happen.

"No, but when we are done with this, we have very serious things to talk about." She said as he pulled her hands behind her back and bound them with the rope.

"Sure, anything you want." He said, knowing he couldn't get her gagged again soon enough."

He had pulled up a chair after binding Saber's wrists, allowing her to sit down as he lead the long dangling ends of the rope from her wrist binding down to her ankles to bind them, leaving her in a loose hogtie. He didn't stop there as he wrapped a coil above and below her breasts, making sure the rope was tight enough to restrict her arm movement and wrapped more just a little lower than her elbows and lead it around her stomach to firmly keep her arms pinned against her backside. He finished it off by wrapping a thick layer above her knees.

"The rope work is nice." Saber couldn't help but comment.

"Thank you." He said standing back to admire his work.

"There." He said feeling proud of his work again. "You may try and break free." He said, thinking it wouldn't work but had to test how long it would hold.

Saber grunted lightly as she squirmed in the bindings, moving herself from side to side testing out the rope. She tried to reach for a knot, but they were all out of her grasp and the rope between her wrists and ankles made it so she couldn't use her hands for anything.

As she squirmed, she had fallen onto the ground, the hogtie taking full effect and making it hard to break free all the while Zen enjoyed the show with great lust.

"This method of tying is very annoying!" Saber cried out, soon after she found the weak points of the rope and with her might she broke a few coils of rope with ease, allowing her to untie the rest of her body.

"Man, you are really strong." He said as it looked like the rope snap with ease. "This won't be easy." He said rubbing the back of his head as he came up with another plan.

"You done?" She asked annoyed as the man shook his head and picked up the bag and dumped out all of its contents onto the floor, showing many coils of rope.

"Nope, just getting started." He assured her as Saber looked a bit worried while looking at the pile of rope.

"I really must protest this treatment." Saber said in annoyance.

"Hmmm, that brings a question to mind. Where you from?" He asked as he untangled the coils of rope. "Are you not use to this where you are from?"

"You could say I was treated with more respect." Saber said sighing a little as she just went and placed her wrists behind her back.

"Well it’s all fun and games." He assured her as he went to work on retying her up again.

He decided not to go with a hogtie for this tie and just focused on a tight body chest harness and wrapped the rope around her body in a cuff style way.

He started with her wrists and after cinching that off, he skipped a few inches up her arm and wrapped more rope around her arms, leading it around her waist a few times and brought it back to her arms, a few more inches higher than the last place he wrapped the rope and knotted it off. He wanted her breast area bound very tightly, enough that it would make them puff out into her outfit greatly and wrapped the rope around her arms at three places behind her chest so one would lead around the middle of her stomach and the other two branched above and below her breasts.

To make the rope binding Saber weighed down, he wrapped more rope around the rope that was leading around her stomach up to the back rope that ran around her upper breasts and ran it around front where it ran between the ropes that went around her breasts, pulling it further down around them. This made Saber groan loudly as she gritted her teeth from how much the rope was pressuring her upper body.

Pleased with her upper body, he worked on her legs next, wrapping rope around the top of her thighs, the middle of them, above and below her knees more around the middle of her shins and finally around her ankles. All the cuff style rope wrapped thickly and tight to ensure Saber's movements were greatly restricted.

"Grrrnrn." Saber grunted out as Zen sat on the ground leaning backwards, pleased with his rope work and tried from pulling and weaving it around her lovely body.

"That took a while, but well worth it." He said knowing it would be near impossible for her to escape.

"This is over kill!" Saber complained as she struggled, as not even prisoners in her time period were bound so heavily.

"Perhaps." He said reaching into his back pocket and began to pull out a white cloth.

"This is truly too much rope isn’t it?" Saber was just able to ask before Zen pulled the white cloth between her open lips and knotted the ends behind her head. "Rrnrnfmfm!" Saber cried out, struggling and bucking on the ground. Though annoyed as to why she would be gagged again, she was happy it wasn't the strange tape again.

"Struggle when you wish." Zen said sitting on top of a nearby box as Saber took a deep breath through her nose and began her struggles once again.

"Rrrrmgmgm! RRrrrnnngngn! Mmrmrmmrmrmmgmgpfm! Hrrrmrmrmfmfm!" Saber grunted and struggled hard with all of her might as she rolled around the floor. She once again tried to reach any of the knots, but they were too tight to grasp or tied in front of her bindings leaving them out of her reach. "Rrmrm!" She growled frustrated as she kept twisting her limbs in the tight rope, once again happy she was wearing a fully covering clothing to keep the rope from burning and rubbing into her skin.

Zen watched her struggle with a smile on his face, unlike the last time he could almost feel when she could get free and this time as he watched her struggles, he knew they did nothing to get her anywhere close to being free. Sweat began to cover Saber’s body which slowly drenched her undershirt to show how hard she was really trying to make the rope snap. All the rope on her body, seem to resist her strength well and so much of it made sure none of it would snap.

"Oh yes, this time I have you." Zen said confident as Saber even tried to saw the rope against the nearby trunk, but the rope was much too strong to be cut away easily like that.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrmpfhfpm!" Saber screamed out in frustration as she sent herself rolling down the nearby steps into the main part of Zen's house.

"Whoa there!" He said following her downstairs only to see her fine, but starting to glow as well. "Oh crap, don't tell me your time is up!" He asked concerned, not wanting to lose such a great servant but his answer was a strong blast as Saber let out a strong prana burst from her body. The bright burst snapped all the ropes and even ripping up her cloth gag as well in the process as everything in the room was sent flying against the nearby wall, including Zen.

"Gaaaaaaah!" Zen cried out as he landed on the wall with a hard thud. "Ohhhhh." He groan slowly getting up to see his living room in a complete mess. "My house....." He said in disbelief as Saber quickly stood up, brushing off her outfit.

"To think I had to use so much to get free." She said frowning, knowing with her master's little prana it would be hard to replenish what she used up.

"Saber!" Zen cried out as he walked past some destroyed objects. "What do you think you're doing?!" He demanded in a harsh tone.

"Getting free like you wanted." She said not sounding sorry.

"By destroying my stuff in the process? And that light you used, that’s cheating!" He stated making Saber blink confused for a moment.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I just knew you wanted me to get free and so I did." She said trying to sound apprehensive.

"Well I forbid you to use it again! No doubt that’s how you got free from the duct tape as well." He said scowling as Saber was growing annoyed.

"I don't see any more rope master, we need to discuss the war now." She said, trying to stay calm and hoping he was done with this nonsense.

"Well, that is where you are wrong." He said ignoring her war request once more as he soon returned to the room with the last of his rope.

"Where are you getting this from?" Saber asked a bit amazed as she assumed the pose once more, Zen smirking and enjoying the fact she took it up so quickly and began to wonder if she was liking this.

He bound her the same like last time, but just as not in many places and leaving the rope more neater looking. When he was done, the rope was wrapped around her wrists, around her arms that led directly around her waist. More around her mid arms that led around her stomach and more around her upper arms that went above and below her breasts. Having little rope left, he had just enough to bind the middle of her thighs, the upper part of her shins and finally her ankles.

"Whew." He said, his fingers aching from so much tying.

"Tight as ever." Saber noted moving her arms and testing out the rope.

"Now open your mouth." He requested as he pulled out a bright red ball gag from his back pocket.

"W-Wait! You're not going to put that in my mouth!" Saber cried out in disbelief.

"Oh I am." He said moving it forward.

"Wait, I-" Saber began to say as the rubber ball was pushed deeply into her mouth which the straps were buckled tightly behind her head and didn't take long for her to start drooling. "Ngngngn!" She whined loudly, shaking her head, to feel the gag going nowhere.

"I have a good feeling you are going nowhere this time." Zen said confidently.

"Mfpmffm!" Saber grunted agreeing with him as she did her usual struggle. Though she could do much as a heroic spirit, she was still a human being and the constant tying and struggling she had been doing the last few hours was taking their toll on her body. "Rrrmrm." She moan trying her usual methods of escape to see they were no help, leaving her to soon moan in defeat.

As she watched her own drool drip off the rubber ball jabbed in her mouth down onto her skirt to make a dark spot appear, she began to have a strange sensation. A sensation that she would only have while on the battlefield, a sensation of joy.

"Mpmfmf." She groan, squirming a little in the rope, starting to enjoy the tightness it brought to her body including how it made her chest puff out into the tight outfit.

"Heh." Zen said, having a feeling Saber was one to enjoy this kind of thing.

"Why, why am I having this feeling? It don't make any sense." Saber thought with a long moan as Zen walked forward and began to help himself to her nice round ass that looked great in the skirt she was clad in.

"Mrmrrm!" Saber cried out, jolting forward a little from having her ass played with, which Zen rubbed firmly and even groped a bit.

"Calm down, I know you will enjoy this in time." He assured her as the more he rubbed, the stronger Saber's enjoyment of her predicament grew.

They spent a good hour like this, Saber enjoying the feeling as her ass was played with and the rope that held her tightly while she struggled every so often for Zen’s amusement. She was eventually ungagged, making her drool a bit more onto her outfit before she gain control over her aching jaw. He resume playing with her body, making Saber moan loudly with no gag to hide her pleasure moans, making her face turn crimson red.

"You like?" He asked, Saber closing her eyes a little, too proud to admit yes. "I know the answer already." He mused as he kept playing with her a little longer before finally untying her.

"Uhhnn." Saber groan holding her body, feeling extremely tired.

"Now then, you want to talk about something?" He asked, keeping to his word.

"Y-Yes, I, we, need to discuss the Holy....." Saber began to say as fatigue took its toll and she passed out into his hold.

"Oh man, this is going to be so awesome!" He said, happy to have a very loving slave to call his own from now on, while giving the war no thought at all.

The end.

Saber, a young looking female with blonde hair wearing a type of teacher suit which consisted of a dark blue suit which was a jacket and matching skirt, with a tan undershirt and blue bow tie with dark nude pantyhose, was sitting at the kitchen table in Zen's house, nodding her head lightly as she was lightly sleeping after falling into such state waiting for him to come home. She instantly woke up though when the front door opened up and shut and she let out a low yawn before standing up, looking crossed as she glared at the doorway as Zen, a young male with dark hair wearing dark clothing came walking in holding some bags.

"Ahhh Saber, good you're here." He said placing the bags on the table as Saber now crossed her arms.

"Even after explaining the war to you, you're still going around acting careless! Why did you go out on your own?" Saber demanded to know.

"Geez, already being a nag huh? Don't worry, I can take care of myself." Zen said as he began to rummage through a bag as Saber just let out a very irritated sigh and decided to continue the conversation later, knowing her master was in another one of his playful moods.

"So, what’s all that?" She asked, bringing a wide grin to Zen's face.

"The usual stuff." He said dragging out the items to show the usual bondage gear of ropes, tape, gags and many fetish outfits like a kinky schoolgirl uniform, nurse uniform and many other kinky outfits.

"I see." Saber said in a mixture of annoyance and curiosity as she saw one particular item and picked it up, what she held in her hand was a Hitachi Magic Wand. "What is this? Is it an actual wand?" She asked sounding very interested as Zen just giggled a little.

"A magic wand? Yeah, you can say it is. I'll show it to you later." He promised as Saber slowly nodded as she stared at the sex toy before Zen blocked her viewing of it with a dark outfit which was all folded up neatly complete with black high heel shoes. "Please put this on." He requested as Saber nodded and set the wand down while Zen put the outfit next to it and began to pinch his nose ready for the next part.

Right in front of him Saber began to undress, not caring about decency as she soon had the entire outfit off, revealing her slim body clad in pink underwear, underwear which Zen had bought for her making her look twice as sexy and hot.

"Hmmmmm." Saber looked at the outfit as she unfolded it, but put it on despite some concerns already. The outfit she was putting on was a dark bunny girl outfit, which consisted of a black leotard which covered the front of her breasts and down around her crotch leaving the top of her chest and most of her backside exposed with a tiny white puffy bunny tail above her butt. With it came matching black bunny ears, white thick wrist cuffs, a black bow tie and black pantyhose with black high heel shoes.

"So hot." Zen said with a perverted look, feeling like he was in heaven.

"M-Master." Saber said looking embarrassed as she held her arms close with her face pink with a blush. "This, this outfit. No, I, I feel as if I'm naked!" Saber said squirming a little as she viewed the outfit to be worse than the last one as she kept running her hands over the smooth thin material that showed off every curve and slender part of her body.

"Oooooooh, you're so perfect Saber! I could stare at you all night!" He said which only darken Saber's blush.

"I must really protest this." She said weakly, not able to come to terms with the outfit as Zen grabbed some of the rope he dumped out of the bag.

"Well let me take care of the protest." He said as he uncoiled the rope as Saber's eyes narrowed. She knew what was coming, she has lost count now of how many times she was tied up and even more on how many times she came to enjoy it, a dark desire she both hated and loved.

"Not too long okay?" She requested as she placed her hands behind her back and Zen went to work.

Zen had her lay down on the floor and pulled her legs backwards, which Saber already knowing she was going to be hogtied as the white rope was encircled around her wrists and being tugged towards her ankles. Zen then tied a tight shibari harness around her chest, making her breasts puff out into her outfit some and making Saber moan a little as he spiraled the rope behind her back and then led a long strand of rope down to her ankles. He wrapped and looped the rope around her black heeled shoes and then wrapped the rope around her ankles and knotted it off leaving her hogtied. He then bound the tops of her knees with more rope and wrapped more around her thighs and even led the rope from her bound thighs up to the rope around her shoes to further tighten the hogtie. He finished it off by wrapping rope around her waist and running it between her legs which the tight rope was bad to use while wearing the leotard.

"Gahhh." Saber moaned, doing her best to not moan too much as to try and keep her pride intact.

"Hey, squirm and enjoy it." Zen said as Saber was blushing more and feeling warm.

"Yes...." She said lightly as she began to test the rope, trying to keep movement between her legs little to none. "There isn't that many ropes binding me, I, I can break free." She said trying her best, squirming all over the floor, the rope lightly teasing her with every moment she struggled.

"Hehehehhehe." Zen giggled lightly seeing the mighty Saber helpless once more before him. Saber cursed a little as she found the ropes to be way stronger than what they should be. "Well enjoy yourself, I'll go fix dinner." He said walking away.

"Gahhhh." Saber let out a louder moan, having suppressed it while Zen was around. "Dammit, why can't I break free?" She grunted, pulling at the rope harder which didn't budge. "Grrrrrrrrr!" She grunted, giving it her all, but the crotch rope finally made her back down. "Dammit. Brute strength isn't cutting it, if only I could use some technique to escape." She said glancing around the room, everything was wooden and in perfect condition, leaving nothing that could be used to get free with. She glanced at her previous outfit, having hidden a blade in it, but since it was set on top of the table it was left out of her reach.

"Maybe a Prana burst?" She wondered thinking over her options, but shook her head knowing Zen hated it when she used it as it wrecked his house, not to mention she had to conserve that power for actual battle. "Dammit, why kind of rope is this?" She wondered as she pulled at it again with no success.

Sometime later after much struggling and nearing herself towards the climax edge with the crotch rope, Zen came walking back in with a big grin on his face.

"Not breaking out of that now are you?" He asked confident as Saber rolled her eyes.

"I must admit, defeat." Saber shamefully said as Zen nodded and untied her, knowing she had enough of that. "That wasn't normal rope you used was it?" Saber noted as she rubbed her sore wrists.

"Very perceptive of you." Zen nodded. "You're right, that wasn't normal rope. It was special fishing rope entwined with dyneema fibers, which makes it 15 times stronger than steel wire." He said as Saber's eyes widen a little.

"Impressive." She said, wondering if a Prana burst would have gotten her free.

"Okay, next tie." He said pulling up a chair and more of the special rope. Saber glared at the rope determine not to be bested by it again.

"Bring it." She said sitting down and placed her hands behind the chair.

"You're enthused about it, I like that." Zen said nodding happy as he began to wrap the rope around Saber's wrists and once they were bound by the tough white rope, he threaded the rope under the chair and down to her ankles which he pulled backwards some and wrapped them around her wrists for a hogtie.

"I won't be defeated by this rope a second time." Saber said trying to stay confident as Zen went back and bound her upper arms, leading the rope above and below her breasts making them puff out once more into the outfit.

"Could, could I please maybe get an outfit change?" Saber requested while blushing as the leotard that clad her chest barely fit her and the rope made it seem like her breasts were about to pop out of the outfit at any moment.

"Tell you what, get completely free and you'll be free to wear whatever you want." Zen told her as Saber nodded agreeing as he finished wrapping rope around her stomach to the back of the chair.

"But, aren't you using more rope that last time? I barely got out of that amount." Saber said as he wrapped rope around her upper thighs and to the seat of the chair.

"Backing out already?" He asked a bit curious as Saber stiffen a bit as he did the same rope tie to the middle of her thighs.

"N-No, never." She said as Zen nodded and got her knees next, going above and below them with a rope cuff style and used the same tie with the middle of her shins to finish off the tie. "Now, I think you've had your say." He said, grabbing several strips of tape.

"Hmmmm." Saber frown with her lips shut, hating the tape over her mouth.

"Just this once." Zen promised as he smoothed each strip over her mouth.

"Mrprmrmmmm." Saber moan into the tape gag and began to lightly struggle in the rope, getting a feeling for the tie. She was annoyed that she seem to be in some pseudo hogtie again with the rope leading from her wrists to her ankles, but she kept struggling in the rope as she badly wanted out of the bunny outfit which as the ears flopped on top of her head only seem to annoy her.

Zen lean against the nearby wall, greatly enjoying her struggles as Saber increased her struggles more and more till she was pulling against the rope with all of her might. Her face turning dark red from how hard she was trying to break the rope and soon there was a sound that something was breaking.

"No way." Zen said, thinking it was the rope till Saber cried out as the chair broke from being pulled against the tight rope so much, making it collapse under her leaving Saber laying on the floor still bound by the rope.

"Grrrmrmgmmmmm." Saber groan, not expecting that.

"Duh!" Zen said hitting his forehead. "I should have seen that coming." He said as Saber looked at him wanting to know what to do. "Afraid this ends this round." He said moving forward and untied Saber. With her hands freed, she took a deep breath through her nose getting ready to rip the tape off before Zen just ripped it off suddenly.

"Gaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Saber screamed, holding her mouth in a hand gag fashion and soon pulled it away to reveal a red mark over her lower face.

"You just got to rip it off like a band aid." He told her as Saber was getting irritated now.

"I would like it if the tape was never used again." She requested as Zen promised with a nod of his head.

"Next, we have this lovely pillar." He said as Saber looked at it and just sighed and pressed herself against it as she didn't bother requesting an outfit change. The pillar was made of wood and was warm from the house heat which she was thankful it was smooth against her near naked backside.

"Here we go." Zen said dumping a lot of rope at her feet and went to work.

This time he started off with her breasts, wrapping the rope above and below her breasts tightly making them puff out as Saber really felt like her breasts were about to pop out. The rope trapped her body and upper arms to the wooden pillar. He wrapped more around the middle of her belly, making the leotard ride up and press against her clit a little making her groan as he worked the rope on the upper, middle and lower parts of her forearms and wrapped it around the rope between her body and the pillar to tighten it, completely trapping her upper body and limbs to the pillar and finished it off by doing a cuff style on her wrists.

He moved onto her legs next, he wrapped the rope and tightly pulled a cuff style rope binding that rested directly against Saber's clit and making her grunt softly into her gag as any movement just irritated her at this point. From there he worked his way down her legs, tying her legs to the back of the pillar with a looping cuff style as he did the tops of her thighs, above and below her knees, middle of her shins, her ankles and finally the middle of her feet again which the rope looped under the shoe heels.

"This is really over kill." Saber protested, lightly tugging on the rope as no one from her time would ever be bound so heavily. With the rope being so strong, Saber felt like she was a statue and would be unable to move an inch.

"I think it looks wonderful on you." He said making Saber blush a little as he grabbed a white cloth, adhering to Saber's wishes of no more tape and wrapped the cloth between her lips a few times and knotted it off.

"Mrmrmr." Saber moan lightly, tugging and pulling at the rope which made the pillar creek a bit.

"That will hold you for some time." He said confident feeling a bit tried from wrapping all that rope around her as Saber still squirmed lightly, once again groaning from the rope teasing her crotch. "Well I need to check on the food, just enjoy yourself." He said heading back to the kitchen.

"Ggmrmrm." Saber groan as she still pressed her body against the rope. As she did this, she realized she wasn't trying to get free like with the last few times, if anything she found herself wiggling in the ropes enjoying her bound moment. "Mrmrrmm." She moan, hating herself for enjoying this and in such a kinky outfit no less. She wiggled around some more, the rope sawing between her legs making her flustered with her wrists tugging at the rope binding them, wanting her hands relocated somewhere else.

Taking a deep breath, Saber grew very serious and started to pull against the special rope with all of her might once more. Her face again growing bright red from using all her might to try and break the harden rope. As she bucked into the rope and kept pressing and pulling at it, she heard a loud creak sound as if something was breaking and Saber grew pale in the face as the pillar she was bound to suddenly broke, causing her to crash to the floor.

"Ggggmrmmmm." She moan, her body was pressed down from the fall making the rope dig up deeper into her crotch as her face was now bright pink.

"What’s going on?" Zen asked rushing into the room and saw an embarrassed Saber on the floor, squirming lightly against the broken part of the pillar. "Oh for the love of." He said, shaking his head as Saber felt bad for damaging his home further. "Don't feel bad, I brought this on myself. Guess I should just stick with the basics." He said going over and started to undo all the rope binding her.

"Mmfffmfm." Saber moan hating she was once again damaging his home. Once untied, Zen didn't give her a chance to stretch her limbs as he was redoing the first tie on her body which he had used on Saber first tonight. This time though he folded her arms behind her back before placing her into a strict hogtie and made the rope running between her legs all the thicker to irritate her more. "Rrnrnrn!" She moan as she could feel her breasts slipping out from her outfit as the rope was pulled over her chest with her feet bound tightly and with the rope running around her shoes once more but he didn't bind her legs, leaving them to spread wide.

"Let me get this." He said pulling the white cloth down around her neck as Saber gasp loudly.

"Zen, I think I've had enough for the night." Saber pleaded as he picked up a large bright red ball gag.

"Not just yet." He said forcing the rubber ball into her mouth, which Saber chewed on it and drooled on it badly already.

"Rrrnnnngg." She groan shaking her head, making the drool splatter all over the place.

Zen stood back and watched her struggles, Saber giving it her all to break free, but her hard struggles soften as she moan lightly enjoying it instead. Zen smirked seeing her finally relax into the binding and reached forward to assist her.

"Hhpmp?" Saber groan, looking at Zen curiously as she soon shut her eyes as pleasure began to run over her body as Zen was running his hands over her bound form.

"Hmmmm, this outfit really suits you and it feels nice." Zen said, Saber blushing from his touch and words as he ran his hands over her more. Saber suddenly yelped as his hands squeezed both of her firm butt cheeks, feeling great behind the outfit as he squeezed them more.

"Hrhrhrmrm!" Saber gasp softly as he moved and groped her breasts next, doing his best to not let them pop out from under the leotard. "Hrmmmmmmmmm." Saber moan as she squirmed to his groping, making the rope tease her greatly.

"I think it’s time I hold up my promise." He said grabbing the wand sex toy.

"Whwm?" Saber looked at the long toy as it began to vibrate, curious what it could do and she gasp softly as he began to run it all over her body, starting on her slender sides, running it down her lovely pantyhose clad slim legs and then all over ass followed by running it between her chest.

"Hhmmmmm." She moan as the vibration felt great on her sore body and after moving the crotch rope out of the way to make room for the toy, Saber's eyes bugged out as she let out a loud scream into the ball gag. The moment the powerful wand touched her clit, she had come instantly making a mess of her panties and leotard, and even her pantyhose at the very top darken some from the mess that came splattering out of her.

"Mrmmrh, mmrmrmr, hhrrmrm, nrnrn, ngng, mrmrm." Saber panted hard as Zen grinned, delighted with the results.

He ran the toy around her body again, giving more time around her breasts to the point he saw her nipples poking under the leotard and brought the toy down around her clit again which took Saber little time to orgasm again, to increase the mess on her legs.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" She cried out as Zen forced her to orgasm a few more times before he took the crotch rope and tied it to the toy so it would stay in place over her crotch.

"I need to finish dinner, so I'll let that run its course." He said walking off, smirking as Saber's gagged orgasm screams filled the air behind him.

"Mrrrrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Saber screamed out as she bucked and twisted on the ground, the wand bringing her body lots of orgasms as she could feel her mind ravaged by the pleasure.

This was kept up for a good while before Zen eventually came back and turned off the wand and undid Saber's gag.

"So, how did you like it? Do you think it’s magical?" He asked curious once the ball gag was off, Saber only panted with darken eyes. The female who was once a legendary king, able to fell large armies with a swing of her sword, was reduced to a panting female with her legs soaked in her own cum mess.

"Y-Yes." She said breathless, trying her best to recover only to slowly pass out for the night.

“Looks like I’ll be eating dinner by myself again.” Zen said with a long sigh as he enjoyed Saber’s unconscious body, Saber moaning from his soft groping before he carried her off to bed so she could rest for his next playtime.

The end.

"Again!" Saber shouted while clad in her battle outfit in the very early warm morning, she was currently standing in Zen's backyard as he furiously attacked a training dummy. Saber's master clearly sweating and breathing hard as he tried to improve himself to be better in battle. "Again!" She shouted as he landed several hits on it with loud whacks.

"Hiiiiiyaaaaaaa!" Zen cried out attacking the dummy again with a wooden sword.

"Keep it up!" Saber shouted as it seems he was getting the grasp of handling a sword and attacking properly. During their training Saber began to smile a little, becoming truly impressed by Zen's skill. Despite her fears due to all of his special interests, they have been able fight off and actually beat a few other masters and their servants. "One more!" Saber shouted as Zen rushed forward to attack before Saber had instantly appeared before him and with a swift strike from her own wooden sword, she had sent him flying backwards.

"Gaaah!" He cried out landing hard on the ground and groan in pain. "Hey, that wasn't fair. I didn't expect you!" He complained slowly getting up.

"In battle you never know when someone or something might appear suddenly, you must always be on guard for anything!" Saber said before sighing lightly as Zen just groan in pain being extremely sore. "This is enough though, let’s call it a day." She said returning to her normal clothing which was another teacher like outfit consisting of a red blazer with a matching red skirt with dark tights which all showed off her curves nicely.

"Alright." Zen groan, wishing he could bind Saber up tightly instead of this intense training as he stood up, the binding idea giving him a devious thought. "Say Saber." He said as his grinning face told Saber everything as she sighed and headed into the house with her arms already behind her back. "Alright!" Zen said happily as he headed inside as he began to put Saber through her paces by starting out with a strict hogtie, followed by tying her to a support beam and then finishing it with a chair tie, the ropes and gags used on her began to turn Saber on as she enjoyed being tied up greatly.

"Mprmmmmm." Saber groan throughout the ordeal, as a number of different gags were used on her from tape to cloth to a ball gag. Throughout the ordeal though, her mind began to wander a little from her pleasured moments as her thoughts on Zen of just being a pervert changed as he was truly becoming someone special to her in many ways.

After their bondage session ended and eating a quick lunch; they made their way towards town to start shopping. As they looked around for mostly groceries, Saber often caught Zen looking at places that held bondage gear like rope and tape.

"Last I checked we had enough of that stuff." Saber reminded him, trying to contain Zen from going overboard as the more bondage gear he had, the more that was used on her.

"Hey now, you can never have enough." He said grinning making Saber sigh lightly as she was forced to lead him away from the shops by the ear.

As they shopped about, the area suddenly became quieter and less populated which Saber quickly took notice of and stopped. She began to scan the area over while dawning her battle gear, having a bad feeling.

"Saber." Zen said as he was handed a simple sword which Saber carried on her for Zen's use.

"Ready yourself." She cautioned as he nodded taking up a battle stance as soon from high above, an aged man clad in a navy blue cloak who had long white beard hair which waved about as if alive, began to laugh and chuckle as he looked down at them with bright blue glowing eyes full of glee as he held out his boney hands which his finger nails were sharp and long.

"At last, more victims." He said grinning. “More offerings to my pleasure!”

"Caster!" Saber said gripping her sword tightly. "Finally shown yourself huh!"

"Heehehehnnnn, Saber. You seem to be doing well despite having a fail of a master." He said making Zen frown.

"Hey buddy, you'll find no better master than me!" He shouted in anger as Saber nodded agreeing.

"Geehehheheeheh, well it won't matter when I kill you both!" He said while stroking his beard as he began to glow brightly as Saber charged at him, leaping high into the air and began to swing wildly at him.

Zen mostly stayed behind and watched their fight, trying to find Caster's master, but unable to find anyone as he went back to watching the fight to give Saber any needed backup. Caster started off with some light ball and whipping magic, soon using stronger magic like elements, but his attacks did little as Saber's speed was greater and was able to drive him into a corner having dodged most of what he threw at her.

"Gahhh!" He cried out as his beard had endured a lot of damage, having tried to use it to bind Saber and suck up her prana, but was a foolish move on someone who wielded a sword. Caster began to sweat and look worried as Saber was poised to finish him off with one stroke of her sword.

"It's over!" She said rushing forward before Caster suddenly grinned and the ground below Saber cracked, catching her by surprise as several purple vines came rushing forward out of the ground and caught her by surprise as they bound her upper chest and arms tightly. "Gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" She yelled out, the vines gripping her tightly as they lifted her in the air leaving her to struggle uselessly.

"Hehehhehe, try breaking free of these." He said as the vines gripped her tightly like bondage rope.

"Ngngn." She grunted struggling hard. "This is, this is....." She said, trying to say it was no problem, but the tighter the vines gripped her, the more she began to blush and moan lightly.

"Hehheheheheh, someone likes this I see." He noted charging up a spell that would end Saber.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhh." Saber moaned more as the vines had slipped under her armor to grope her a little, her perverted side causing her strength to weaken. The more the vines worked at her body, the more she was turned on and the thought of battle slipped away as a deep blush appeared on her face.

"Saber! Snap out of it!" Zen's voice yelled out, snapping Saber from her perverted moment as Zen had tossed his sword at the vines, cutting a few of them away and weaken their hold on her allowing Saber to shake her head and focus her mind.

"Thanks!" She shouted able to cut the rest away herself, shocking Caster who wasn't ready yet and with a mighty swing she had managed to cut him down with ease.

"Gaaackk!" He cried out, vanishing from the attack as the Caster class lost the war.

"Saber!" Zen cried out rushing to her side. "You alright?" He asked as she went back to normal.

"Ye-Yeah." She said going back to normal. "Thank you though, for helping me out and the training you've been giving me help me endure that better." She said with a warm smile.

"Heheheh, and here you said it was a waste of time." He said grinning as Saber sighed. “Also, what was that about expecting the unexpected?” He asked with a wide grin as Saber gave him a glaring flat look making him drop the last question.

"Let's just finish our shopping before more servants come." She said walking off with Zen still grinning as they quickly got what they needed.


"I didn't expect to be attacked today." Saber sighed putting the stuff away as Zen had sneaked away. "Though it be nice if you helped!" She said becoming a little irritated before Zen returned grinning.

"Sorry, I was busy preparing this." He said holding out a black outfit.

"Come on, I'm not really in the mood." Saber said feeling exhausted from the battle.

"Just try it on, you'll feel better." He offered with a grin as Saber sighed in defeat.

"Fine." She said grabbing it and like every time before, she began to change in front of Zen having no issues with it as Zen enjoyed her stripping to her white underwear, she had an elegant way of removing her tights and skirt slowly along with her top and shirt and with them off, she began to dawn the outfit. She put on a dark grey long sleeve shirt with a black gloves with a black vest over the shirt. She dawn knee high black socks with black dress pants and put a black neck tie on over the shirt.

"Well?" He said enjoying the sight as Saber put her hair into a pony tie.

"It fits well, kind of invigorating actually." Saber smiled as she pulled on the gloves and adjusted her outfit as she ran her hands down her body to smooth the fabric out over her body.

"Hmmmm, it shows off your body well." Zen said happily licking his lips a little.

"I could fight in this, it really fits perfectly." She said turning around, Zen enjoying her curvy butt in it.

"I agree, it really shows you off well." He said making Saber blush a little and become flustered as he pulled her in close and began to run his hands all over her body making her even more flustered.

"So I guess you'll want to tie me up now?" She asked, starting to put her hands behind her back as Zen stopped her.

"Yes, but no. I would like to try something a little different like role-play."

"Role-play?" Saber asked blinking confused. "What is that exactly?"

"A fun little game to put it exactly, we act as different people, different from our normal selves and play out a certain plot." He explained as Saber processed what he said.

"Oh, so it’s sort of like a theater play?" She asked as Zen nodded.

"Yeah, but unscripted outside of our assigned roles." He said as Saber thought it over a little more and nodded her head agreeing. "Excellent." He said leading her outside. "Saber, you are a businesswoman, I know you don't fully understand what that means, but it just means you come home after a long day at work and not exactly someone who is brave and strong."

"Alright." Saber said going along with it.

"So it means you’re kind of weak and easily scared or frighten of anything dangerous. I'll need you to do your best to act like that." He said as Saber thought it over and nodded her head as she got into the mindset. "And I'll be a burglar, waiting for you to come home so I can capture you and to bind you up tightly as I raid your home for anything of value."

"That sounds rather exciting actually." Saber said smirking lightly unable to hide her excitement.

"Great, give me three minutes and then come in." He said going back inside and shutting the door.

"A businesswoman, weak and easily frighten. I must somehow enter this mindset correctly." Saber said as she tried to shed her fearless thinking.

After a few minutes of preparing herself, she slowly opened the door and entered the house as if nothing was wrong. She could feel her heart racing a little as she became excited as to what Zen had planned for this role-play of his and no sooner did the door click shut did a hand wrap around her mouth firmly with something cold which felt metallic placed against her neck.

"Mrprm?!" She cried out, doing her best not to react like she normally would which would be trying to counter his attack as she began to take on her role of a scared woman. Saber soon began to whimper into Zen's hand and shook a little out of fear.

"That’s it, don't scream or make any movements lady. This is a robbery." Came Zen's disguised heavy voice tone as he began to drag Saber towards the bedroom.

"Mrmrmrm! Nrnrnr!" Saber cried out, trying her best to be scared and afraid while mumbling no through his hand as she was soon pinned onto her bed. A thick roll of duct tape already lying next to her as Zen grabbed it and using his teeth, he began to pull the tape from the roll.

"Be still." He ordered as Saber began to struggle a little, though she kept up her scared persona as she felt her arms being encased in tape and soon wrapped around her chest, pinning her arms to her backside.

"Please, let me go!" Saber begged weakly once Zen's hand was pulled away so he could better bind her arms in tape and began to work downward on her legs, encasing them just as thickly. "Please, I'm poor and broke, I have nothing!" Saber said pleading as best as she could, but sounded and looked awkward much to Zen's amusement to see someone so strong act so weak.

"I said quiet lady." He said cutting the tape from the roll and smoothed it over her ankles where he wrapped the tape down to. He had bound most of her body in a very sloppy mummify binding, though he was pleased with it as it would do for now.

"Please, I won't tell anyone just cut me free!" She begged again squirming lightly on his bed as Zen just chuckled and made his way out of the bedroom.

"Don't mind me if I profile and case the house a little, see what you have to grab." He said though the second he was out of the room he noticed how badly the place was getting to be a mess from all the neglect while they did their bondage play and war battles. "Or maybe this is a good time to clean up?" He though sweat dropping a little as Saber squirmed on the bed as she normally would, finding the tape rather tough to break.

"You fiend! Let me go! I'm helpless and can't do anything!" Saber shouted out making Zen chuckle a little at her bad acting as he grabbed a trash bag and began to throw some garbage into it. "Scoundrel, you won't get away with this! I will report you!" Saber kept shouting as she wiggled back and forth on the bed as she tossed about and kept crying out to be released which Zen quickly grew tired of her rants and returned to the bedroom.

"My good captive, I'm afraid I've grown tired of your big mouth." He said picking up one of Saber's discarded dark tights, balling it up tightly and as she opened her mouth to say more he packed it into her mouth tightly before taking a white cloth and twisting it up and cleavage gagged her with it. "There, that should tame your lips." He said patting her left bulged cheek as he resume his house raid cleaning as Saber mewed into her thick gag.

"Mrmrmrmr! Fmfmfmfmf!" Saber grunted through the thick gag as she struggled even harder to get free, but no matter what the tape wouldn't budge and the mouth packing irritated her mouth as well as didn't taste very well making her cringe a little.

Seeing him distracted, Saber got an idea and slowly wiggled herself forward towards the edge of the bed and carefully planted her socked feet onto the floor and stood up and began to hop out of the bedroom, she wasn't sure where to go but figured she should make an escape attempt of some kind. Saber hopped a good distance away from the bed, her breasts bouncing lightly under her outfit as she worked up a light sweat as she neared the front door, but she was soon caught as Zen came out of the bathroom at the right time to see her making an escape.

"Whoa whoa there my captive, and where do you think you're going?" He asked walking towards her as Saber tried to hop faster towards the door, but was in vain as she was quickly grabbed from behind and thrown over his shoulder.

"Mrmrmrmrm!" She cried out as she wiggled and struggled on his shoulder, as Zen carried her back to the bedroom and threw her back onto the bed face down, leaving her nice curvy butt standing out as he gave it a few hard smacks. "Mrmr! Nrnrm! Mrmrmr! Mmrmmrm! Rrrrmrm!" Saber cried out with each smack which ended with a firm groping and rub.

"This is a fine butt my dear, you better hope there is something of more value in this home than this." He chuckled taking his leave, Saber blushing a little as she shook her head and attempted to find another way to get free before her eyes noticed a pair of scissors on the nearby bed table.

"Mrpmmm." She moan happily as she rolled and wiggled herself over towards the table right next to the bed, easily able to grab the scissors with her hands and worked them around and lined the blade between the tape and began to cut it away. "Mrmmmmmm." She moan working hard and carefully as she worked the scissors all over her tape binding, cutting it with ease till she was free.

"Yes!" She cheered happily after pulling the white cloth down around her neck and pulling out the tights packing and tossing it to the side. After peeling the tape off of her clothing, which was mostly covered in black lint, she thought for a moment on what a weak businesswoman would do. Knowing Zen had the front door under watch, she eyed the nearby window and began to head towards it.

As her hands rested on the handle and began to open it, Saber was immediately hand gagged and her wrists grabbed from behind as she was forcibly pulled away.

"Jeez, you are one feisty captive to keep bound, I see now I need to do a little more to keep you in check." He said dragging her towards the bed as Saber acted frighten in his hold, doing her best to look so weak as she was pinned to the bed once again.

"Please, just let me go! I have nothing!" She said as Zen just chuckled and ignored her as he reached under the bed.

Zen grabbed a bag out from under the bed and dump out the contents to reveal many bundles of white rope and uncoiled them and began to use them on Saber. He started first with her wrists, binding them in a secure cuff style and then did the same a few inches up her arms after wrapping the rope around her belly which bound her arms to her backside. He wrapped more rope above her elbows, which the rope ran around the mid-section of her chest and then looped it down to the rope below that tie to knot it off. He wrapped her upper arms very tightly, running the rope above and below her breasts and running it around her chest, going up and around her neck before going back to her arms and knotting it off tightly.

"This is too tight!" Saber said in her frighten tone despite it being no stronger than his usual ties.

"I can make it stronger." He warned working her lower body next.

He took more rope and bound the very tops of her thighs in a thick cuff style and did the same binding above and below her knees. He then wrapped the rope going crisscross between her two legs, looping it below her bent knees before bringing it back up and knotting the rope between her clenched thighs. He used the last of the rope around her ankles tightly in a cuff style before running it down between her feet and looping it back up to create a tight and restricting tie for her and redid her cleavage gag after packing her mouth with a pair of discarded blue panties making Saber grunt and squirm weakly while cringing more behind her gag.

"Now stay!" He ordered walking away as Saber grunted louder into her gag as she squirmed about more as she tossed about from side to side and wiggled madly in the ropes. Over the many weeks and some advice from Zen, she began to learn how to escape from ropes and with the recent days she was getting better at it.

As she twisted her limbs in the rope and tried to reach for knots by stretching her body as much as possible; this wasn't one of those times she could get free as she soon laid limp on the bed panting lightly.

"Mrmmmmmm." She moan in defeat as escape wasn't possible this time and Zen had walked away with the scissors. She had curled up trying to look scared knowing she was completely helpless and waited for Zen to finish his end of the role-play and wasn't long before he returned looking disappointed.

"Your home has nothing baby, guess I need to accept the other prize." He said grinning as he got onto the bed and rubbed her butt again, making Saber blush a little while looking scared. "That look is very cute for you." He pointed out making her blush deeper making him grin as he began to run his hands all over her body. "Hmmmm, what a great feeling body you have." He said happily as he groped her breasts a little, running his hands around her sides and down her legs and feeling up her butt more. It wasn't long till he was massaging her thighs and breasts a lot and finally working on her crotch.

"Mrmrmrmmrm!" Saber groan and gasp sharply, she did her best to keep up her role-play persona, but with all the intense playing and teasing she was slipping back into herself as she moan happily from his touch.

"Ahhhhh, are you enjoying my touch? Maybe this will help?" He said rubbing her crotch more, harder and faster making her gasp louder and pant like crazy as her face turn a deep crimson color.

"Mrmrmrm, mmmmmmmmm, mmmmrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn!" Saber soon cried out as she came from his hard rubbing and could feel a wet spot appear on her panties and pants.

"Hehehe, you dirty little girl." He said as Saber looked embarrassed as he brought out a vibrating wand toy and with what remained of the tape, he taped the vibrator to her crotch letting it tease and torment her further, allowing Zen to feel up more of her body.

"Mmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Saber cried out as it didn't take her long to come again, Zen kept on playing with her tormented body by groping her breasts and butt while enjoying her slender curves as Saber orgasm several more times during all the play and the toy vibrating like crazy at her wet crotch.

By the time Zen was done and shut off the toy, a small puddle was forming on the bed between Saber's legs as she panted heavily looking exhausted as Zen began to free her.

"That's scene Saber, you did an excellent job." Zen said ending the role-play.

"That, that was something. I really did enjoy it and have fun." Saber happily said, though she knew she needed to do it more to better act the roles given to her.

"Happy to hear it." He said as they shared a long kiss. "There will be many, many more to come." He promised hugging her tightly while cuddling with her on the bed.

As Saber was happy about this, she did also slightly frown knowing their time together grew shorter as the more battles they won, the closer to the end of the war was coming and their time together would end with it.

The end.

Late at night, running along some narrow back alley streets, Zen and Saber were making their way to a secluded house, both armed and ready for combat.

"You sure about this information?" Saber asked.

"Yep, my bondage guy hears all. He is sure this is the place." Zen said as Saber was amused again how his interests seem to be helping her with the war. "This is where Assassin and his master is." Zen said stopping in front of the darken house as Saber looked it over.

"You're right, I feel great killer intent within it which only Assassin could have. Tread very carefully." Saber warned as she moved forward with Zen backing her up as they approached the home. As they approached it, a dark smoke jump from the house, being illuminated by the large moon in the sky as the smoke cloud went shooting for Zen but Saber leapt backwards and blocked the smoke's attack and forced it away, revealing a dark figure.

"Assassin! Your fight is with me!" Saber declared rushing forward as they clashed blades.

"Take him down Saber!" Zen cheered her on as they clashed blades swinging at each other with great strength. They leap all over the place, their clashing metal ringing out in the air as Assassins' master began to sneak around from the side, holding a gun and was making his way towards Zen.

"Hiya!" Saber cried out giving it her all to take Assassin down as the servant seem to be falling back.

"Don't get too far Saber!" Zen shouted out trying to follow before hearing a click sound and turned to see Assassin's master aiming a gun at him.

"Hehehehhe, it was so simple to lure you into a trap!" He gloated squeezing the trigger. "Now die!"

"No." Zen said as there was no time to react as there was a gunshot sound ringing out as the bullet went flying at him. Moments before the bullet would have struck, Saber appeared and deflected the bullet which ricochet off her blade and across her left arm leaving a cut as she swing her sword, sending a gust force forward that sent the master flying off and hitting his head on a nearby wooden pole knocking him out.

Assassin was nearly finished off before Saber left to defend Zen, but he was unable to escape as Saber soon returned and with a well-aimed strike, she had finished him off quickly and leaving the assassin class defeated in the war.

"Saber! You alright?" Zen asked as he looked at her arm to see a very light scratch on her skin.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad you're not hurt." She said smiling happily.

"Sorry, I got distracted." He said as Saber gave him a light tap on the head.

"We'll fix that with some training." She said walking off, Zen groaning loudly as more training meant less fun time. "But you did awesome though!" Zen soon said while going after her. "Awesome as always, I just wish I was better use in battle." He said as Saber patted his shoulder while shaking her head.

"Think nothing of it, you did well. Better than expected. If Assassins' master wasn't a coward and fought fair, there wouldn't be an issue." She assured him.

"Yeah, I guess you are right." Zen said feeling better as he felt bad about the scratch on Saber's arm and knew he had to really make it up to her.


Upon returning home, Saber's small wound had vanished and she was working on fixing her sleeve as Zen returned with some normal clothing for her.

"Here you go, got this the other day. I hope you like it." He said giving it to her.

"I'm sure I will." Saber said still clad in her dark uniform she got several days ago as she began to strip it off, Zen never getting tired of the strip showing as Saber worked off her top and bottom along with the neck tie, gloves and socks leaving herself clad in light blue underwear as she began to dawn a white sweat shirt with light pink lining.

She then put on a pair of fresh clean black tights, followed by a blue skirt with a blue scarf wrapped around her neck and placed her hair into a bun style with a blue ribbon holding it in place. She then ran her hands over her body, smoothing out her clothing as it felt snug and wonderful over her body.

"You really know how to wear good clothing." Zen complimented her making Saber blush lightly.

"Well, I blame the guy who picks out the clothing." Saber smirked as Zen laughed lightly.

"Well I know what looks both sexy and cute on you." He said as Saber agreed and knew what he would say next. "So, ready for some fun?"

"Yes, I've been looking forward to the next session." Saber said with excitement in her tone.

"Excellent!" Zen said having a perfect role-play in mind.

"So what shall it be today?" Saber asked curiously.

"I think we will go with the kidnapping scenario today, I have some new ideas and materials to try out on you as well." He noted happily as he went and grabbed a box of bondage supplies and began to take it outside to his car confusing Saber.

"Ummm Zen, why are you taking everything out to the car?" She asked once he came back inside while dawning a black ski mask.

"All a part of my plan, do you not trust me?" He asked adjusting the mask.

"Of course I do, just a bit confused is all."

"Well calm your mind Saber, and get into character." He said as Saber nodded. "Now, you are relaxing inside of your home without a care in the world unaware someone plans to break in and spirit you away. Can you do that?" He asked as Saber nodded as she headed off towards the living room. "Show time." Zen said giddy as he went back outside, thankful it was still dark out so no one would see him oddly dressed and after a moment he sneaked back into his own house.

Zen acted like a real intruder, not having much idea where to go as he began to search all over the place, making the living room the last place where he finally found his target sitting in a chair actually looking like she was going to fall asleep.

"Hmmm, she is tired from the battle, should make this easy." Zen thought as he went back to the kitchen and made a loud noise which Saber quickly got up for and headed towards the kitchen.

"Whatever could that be? I hope it’s not a mouse." Saber said, in a nearly good acting tone as she entered the kitchen to see a plate on the floor and before she could do anything about it she was grabbed from behind, firmly hand gagged as her arm was pulled behind her arm which she allowed Zen to do.

"Not a sound, you are being kidnapped so do not resist." Zen said in another disguised heavy tone as Saber whimpered lightly behind his hand as she nodded understanding as she attempted to struggle a little.

She was guided towards the counter where a very large thick roll of shiny silver duct tape waited for her and he let go of her to grab the roll and before Saber could act he pulled both arms behind her back as he began to wrap a thick amount of tape around her arms starting from her wrists and slowly wrapping it up below her shoulders encasing her arms in duct tape.

From there he wrapped more tape around her chest, going from the top near her neck down to her belly while also snaring her arms. He then wrapped tape from the tops of her thighs all the way down to her ankles leaving Saber completely bound.

"P-Please, this is too much! Don't take me!" Saber begged weakly while struggling a little as Zen smirked behind the mask as he took a nearby dish towel and wrapped it around her eyes. "N-No! Not my eyes, please remove it! I want to see!" Saber begged which her begging earned her a wet washcloth being shoved into her mouth greatly muffling her speech as another dish towel was wrapped around her mouth several times leaving her cleavage gag style and knotted off behind her head. "Mfmrm!" She grunted as she began to twist and roll around on the floor as Zen looked on.

"Damn she is sexy tied up and struggling like this." Zen thought wanting to watch it for a while but picked her up, letting her squirm weakly on his shoulder as he took her out to the awaiting car.

Once out there, he had the trunk lid open which the box of bondage materials was already in there and he set her next to it, watching her squirm and grunt a little more before he slam the lid shut and took off the mask as he got into the car and began to drive off.

"Mrmmmmm." Saber groan wondering where he was taking her, wondering if it was a fake out like the other times and just driving around a lot before going home. Till they got where they were going, she kept squirming and grunting weakly in the trunk as best as she could.

"Love hearing her struggles." Zen said giddy as he did take his time driving to a nearby motel.


Zen had pulled up to the motel and found Saber's struggles had stopped wondering why she did so.

"Must have fallen asleep." He figured with everything that happened as he got out and quickly paid for a room and once he unlocked the room door he went back to his car and opened the trunk to hear Saber snoozing softly. "The only thing better than you looking sexy struggling is that you look super cute while sleeping while tied up." He said brushing one of Saber's hairs out of her face as he quickly picked her up and took her into the room before anyone could see them.

On his way to the room Saber had quickly woken up and very quickly resumed her struggles and role-play acting, blushing brightly for having fallen asleep during a role-play sessions. Zen smirked as he placed Saber onto the bed and began to act out the next part of the RP.

"Ahh the lovely daughter from a rich family who went aboard to study and foolishly lived alone. Now that you are mine I'll ransom you for untold riches!" Zen proclaimed in his best villain voice as it took Saber a moment to think of a comeback and began to thrash around madly as if not wanting to burden her imaginary parents. She did admire Zen's acting but did her best to be angry with him for trying to ransom her off.

"Nrnrnrnrnngmgmffm!" Saber cried out angrily as she squirmed harder while trying to get the blindfold off.

"Let me help with that." He said removing the blindfold letting Saber blink a few times to get use to the cheap motel lighting and was shocked to see she was actually taken somewhere else. "That's right, you're far far away from the safety of your home and in my care. Do be a good girl or I, may have to get physical." He warned looking her over, making her blush some as she huddled a little. "Come on, I need you a bit more feisty." He said starting to run his hands over her tape bound form.

"Mrmrmrm!" She cried out, groaning lightly as she began to squirm and flop about, trying to get away from his touch.

"Yeah, that’s more like it." He said groping her lightly, making her groan louder as he tugged on the ribbon around her hair, letting her hair fall around her shoulders and began to run his fingers through the silky golden locks. "So smooth and great feeling and has a wonderful berry smell as well. I could feel this up all day." He said as Saber blushed some more as she twisted her head body away to pull her hair away from his grasp. "I admire your struggles, but in the end they are useless." He assured her as he got up and began to use his cell phone to make a fake call.

"Mrmrmgmg! Ggngngmrm!" Rrnrn mrrm ururnm!" She grunted furiously as Zen made his call.

"Yes, this is a call about your kidnapped daughter." He said slowly taking his leave of the room, leaving Saber to squirm on the bed. Knowing this had to be the part where she makes her escape, she looked around and spied something under the next bed.

"Mrmr!" She grunted as she wiggled herself to the end of the bed and tried to get down onto the floor on her knees carefully, but the tape was more slippery than she imagined and ended up falling hard to the floor with a thud, the moment's confusion from falling suddenly made her forget she was role-playing and had snapped the tape binding her body with ease with her special strength. "Nrnn!" She gasp lowly knowing she wasn't supposed to do that.

"Oh well." She said once taking off the gag and pulling out the washcloth and set it on the bed. "Now, for my escape." She said sneaking her way up to the door, unknowing where Zen was hiding but quickly found out as the door swung open and he was making a gun motion in his jacket pocket.

"Well well, won't be a good captive and stay bound eh?" He said shaking his head as Saber slowly put her arms up.

"Let me go, you will never get a cent for me!" She declared as Zen grinned.

"You're wrong, daddy is sending a sweet packed suitcase my way, and I just need to hold onto you till I get it." He said waving his gun towards the bed as Saber frowned as she got onto the bed.

"Daddy would never pay!" She stated loudly as Zen chuckled.

"Actually you are right, the amount he is sending me is weak so I contacted someone else who plans to pay a lot more." He said pulling out a bunch of zip ties and quickly bound Saber's wrists with one.

"W-What?! You're selling me? To some strange person?" She asked shocked and afraid as Zen grinned as he began to bind more of her body in zip ties, starting with her arms and pulled one around her upper chest and arms, another below her breasts and arm, one more around her stomach and below her elbows and then three more around her thighs, with one running between the three to restrict her leg movement, another below her knees and another around her ankles and a small zip tie around her big toes for good measure.

"That will hold you." He said as Saber struggled and was shocked to see he was right, the zip ties being very strong and restricting.

"Please let me go! I don't want to be sold off!" Saber begged weakly before some balled up stockings were forced into her mouth followed by the cleavage gag being reapplied. "Mrmrmfmfm!" She grunted weakly as Zen kneeled over her in control.

"If only your dad paid more. Now some strange pervert will buy you." He said grinning as Saber cried out only more. "Now, let’s test the goods before shipping it out." He said running his hands all over her body, feeling her up and enjoying the smoothness of her body, never tiring of it.

He ran his hands along her tights where the zip ties weren’t in the way and along her sides enjoying her curves. He gripped her butt firmly and upon giving it a few squeezes made Saber yelp weakly leaving her face blushing as he slowly began to knead her breasts.

“Mrmrrmrm!” Saber groan out as his touching became firmer and was making her squirm uncontrollably to the point that some of the zip ties were breaking.

“You’re pretty strong, guess I need to use more.” He said replacing the broken zip ties around her arms and thighs and added more over them to increase their endurance.

“Mrmrmr!” Saber cried out finding it harder to squirm in the white plastic bindings.

Zen continued to feel up her body, going as far as teasing her between the legs for having him to use more zip ties on her body and breaking the tape binding in the first place.

“Mrmrmrmr!” Saber whined as a deep blush appeared on her face as she felt her panties growing damp as she squirmed harder as her breasts were worked over at the same time.

“I think you need some alone time.” He stated as he fetched a very large roll of cling wrap and a Hitachi wand.

“Mrmrmmmmmmm!” Saber groan knowing what was coming as he began to pull the wrap off of the roll and began to thickly round it around her bound body. “Nrngng!” She cried out as she felt her body constricted as her limbs were heavily pressed together even more.

“Don’t worry, I have plenty to keep your troublesome self-contained.” He assured her in his evil tone again as he kept wrapping the cling wrap around her, winding it over and over creating a thick layer over her body, taking care to wrap her beautiful hair around her neck before encasing it with the clear plastic.

“Mrmrmr!” Saber cried out as soon everything on her body from head to toe was covered in the thick plastic layer, only her nose remained free to allow breathing as he grinned running his hand over her cling wrapped body.

“You still have a nice feel.” He joked lightly as Saber let out a grunt and began to wiggle from side to side. “Oh that’s right, I left you hanging didn’t I? My bad.” He said taking a knife and cut a small slit into the plastic wrap over her crotch area and began to insert the wand against her crotch which the plastic wrap and her tightly clenched thighs held it perfectly in place.

“Nrnrnrn!” She cried out shaking her head.

“Trust me, you’ll love this.” He said knowing it was true as he set the wand to max.

“Mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrr!” Saber screamed out as she began to genuinely struggle like mad.

Zen stood back and admired his work, Saber’s struggles on the bed were a real turn on and was a great joy to watch, though she acted like a helpless woman he could tell she was enjoying and was actually restrained by it.

“Mmrmrmmmmm.” Saber groan as she began to relax, her breathing increasing as the wand was nearing giving her a powerful first orgasm. “This tight bondage, this restricting plastic over my body, the vibrations pleasing my womanhood. This is heavenly.” Saber groaned really loving it as Zen chuckled.

“I’ll leave you to your devices.” He assured her taking his leave as Saber began to struggle again, really trying to get free, but couldn’t work up the needed power to do it before she gasped out loudly through her layered gag as she felt herself come.

“Mmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrr.” She moan with closed eyes enjoying the wave of pleasure washing over her body as another began to build up. “At this rate, I’ll release uncontrollably.” Saber thought weakly as she took a deep breath through her nose and once again began to struggle and roll from side to side, taking care to not roll off the bed. Her struggles ended up making the toy press all the harder against her crotch and made her come all the sooner. “Nnrnrn!” She gasp lightly unable to help herself.

She spent a good hour trying to find some way of getting free, but all she could do was release over and over again till Zen returned, having switched roles into the hero.

“Dear damsel! I have come to save you!” Zen shouted out rushing into the room and instantly removed the toy, Saber thankful he did it right after another release. “Give me a moment.” He said producing a knife and cut away all her bindings which Saber instantly hugged him.

“My hero!” She cried out proudly as they both hugged dearly.

“Are you alright?” He asked hopeful as Saber became a bit awkward.

“O-Of course, my hero is here now so I am alright.”

“Glad to hear, now about my reward.”

“Which is?” Saber asked as during her time heroes were knighted.

“This.” He said planting a very deep kiss on her lips, surprising Saber and left her a bit flustered though she wasn’t going to complain as they both slowly lean onto the bed and began to make out happily. Zen messing up Saber’s outfit a little as he enjoyed her body more.

They spent another hour in the motel, enjoying themselves till they were both exhausted and then made their way home to rest up for another day.

The end.

Warning, the following contains GID (male bondage only). Please do not read if you have issues with that!


Early evening at the Zen household, it was a quiet day with no Grail battles with other servants and it was one of Zen's lucky few days he got a break from Saber's hard training. His body wasn't meant for daily rigorous workouts and Saber gave him a few days off so he didn't break.

They were seated conformably on Zen's couch watching a little TV with Zen having his arm wrapped around Saber and though he laughed at a funny scene on the show displayed on the screen, he didn't miss Saber stifling a yawn with a look on her face saying she was bored out of her mind.

"Hmmm." Zen thought quietly to himself not about to allow his beloved Saber to sit there and be bored as an idea popped into his head. "Bored Saber?" He asked wanting to confirm as Saber shrugged her arms.

"A little." She admitted finding the whole idea of watching this picture box for hours to be a waste of time.

"I can't have that, would you like to have some fun?" He offered while turning the TV off with the remote as this brought a tiny smirk to Saber's face.

"Yes." She quickly replied. "A role-play I hope?" She asked as it has been awhile since they tackled one since the actual kidnapping one to a motel room.

"Heheheh, yep." Zen said bringing a smile to Saber's face. "However, this time I would like to be the one being tied up." He said shocking Saber.

"Tie you up? I could never do that." Saber said shaking her head lightly.

"Oh come on, it’s only fair you get to tie me up for once after all the times I did it to you. Besides, with me being on the receiving end this will make it a new experience for the both of us." He said remembering back to the days he did some self-bondage but couldn't make it complete and the fact he would soon be completely bound by Saber made him very excited.

"I refuse." Saber said shattering Zen's hopes a bit. "I am your servant and someone with too much respect to restrain someone who has done no wrong." She explained as Zen sighed.

"Here I thought we understood each other." He said raising his hand up. "Tie me up or I'll use one of these." He threaten showing his command seals which only made Saber narrow her eyes.

"I thought we agreed you never use those for personal pleasure?" She said clearly irritated.

"I can't let you forget who is master though." He said as they entered a brief stare down contest before Saber sighed and slumped a little looking defeated.

"Very well." She said as Zen smiled and gave her a soft kiss.

"You'll enjoy it." He promised as they got up to start the role-play.

"Alright, the idea is this. The house is empty and two cat burglars have their eye on it and rob it at the same time which you end up getting the drop on me." He explained.

"I'm not so sure about that, but if that is what you want." Saber said as Zen nodded as he added a bit of backstory to it to make it sound more interesting. Once understanding everything, he handed her a role of dry white vinyl tape with Saber pouting a little that it wasn't rope she could tightly wind around his body.

"What is this stuff?" She asked pulling a little of it off to find it wasn't sticky. "Are you setting me up?" She asked suspicious as Zen shook his head.

"Me? Set you up? Don't even think about it." He assured her. "This is a special tape that only sticks to itself, doesn't have any effect on the human skin so it won’t hurt upon removal." He explained as Saber gave him an annoyed glaring stare, which reminded Zen of all the times he painfully removed Saber's duct tape bindings. "I, I only just learned about it." He said being coy as Saber just sighed annoyed. "I may regret this, but at least the tape will be easy to get out of." Zen thought getting a bad vibe from Saber.

"I'll start my end." Saber said exiting the room and home with Zen calling out about there being a ten minute waiting period before starting.

"Better hurry." He said rushing to his room and quickly changed into a black cat latex suit which he recently got on a good deal. "Heheheh, wearing this will make getting out of the tape extremely easy." He said giddy as it covered him from the neck down.

Just as he was finishing up, he heard one of the windows being forced open and knew it was show time as he began to act like he was sneaking around the messy house. As he did that Saber entered the house recladding herself in a very tight black t-shirt that showed her belly off a little as she wore tight black pants that showed off her curves greatly which stopped just under her knees with black stockings and low black shoes that muffled all her steps.

"This is rather awkward." Saber noted slipping on some black gloves as she did her best entering through the window and stepped inside. Once in she began to scan the area and saw Zen's shadow moving from another room and sneaked up to him already having a dialog in mind.

"Where is Saber? I can't hear any sounds of her footsteps." Zen thought while trying to listen for her footsteps unaware her shoes would make hearing her impossible. Despite staying on his guard, before Zen knew it she had appeared behind him and quickly clamp her hand over his mouth while wrapping her other arm around his chest, pinning his arms to his sides.

"Mrpmr?!" He cried out shocked into her hand that she suddenly appeared out of nowhere as he attempted to struggle free, using a secret move he knew to get out of her tight hold as they went crashing to the ground and wrestling fiercely.

“Another robber eh? You won’t get the best of me or this place!” Zen proclaimed.

"Give up, I'm the one robbing this place you two-bit thief!" Saber stated as Zen merely grunted weakly as she quickly managed to pin him to the ground.

"Let me go! I saw this place first! You can't rob it!" Zen said through his gritted teeth as he was doing his best and not holding back in attempting to break free, but Saber was simply far stronger than he ever would be.

"Better end this before I end up hurting him." Saber thought knowing her strength far exceeded Zen's as she began to pull out the tape from her pocket and began to pull it from the roll and started to wrap it around Zen's body.

"Gaaaaaahhhhhh!" Zen grunted out in a losing manner as he attempted to fight back but could do little as his limbs were held perfectly in place as more tape was wrapped around his limbs which immobilized him.

She thickly encased his arms in tape, wrapping it above and below his chest before wrapping it down around his body, going under his nice butt and wrapping the tape thickly over his thighs, knees and shins which she stopped at his ankles. She finished it off by wrapping a thin layer around his mouth.

"Now be a good robber and stay here and play damsel." She teased as Zen let out a low groan as that kind of talk left him feeling humiliated.

"Hhhmrmrmrm!" He groaned weakly as he squirmed in the bindings, letting out several low groans through his gag as Saber looked on not sure what to do.

"Huh?" She said feeling unsure how to proceed as she tried to remember what Zen did while she was tied up. She thought about something kinky but shook her head thinking it was too soon for that. "Guess I look the place over for something to steal." She muttered lowly as Zen nodded his head as that was the right thing to do during his struggles as Saber left the room and looked the house over. "Hmmm, I wonder what he does while I'm struggling?" She wondered, thinking he might have messed the place up during her struggles but seeing it a mess already she decided to tidy up a bit instead.

"Hrhrrm! Mrmrmr!" Zen grunted loudly as he struggled harder against the tape, knowing its weakness as he began to apply pressure to the tape around his joints since that was the most strained point of the tape and with a little work he managed to start breaking it with ease. "Ha!" Zen said proudly removing the tape from his mouth without issue. "Pretty easy thanks to her conservative use of the tape." He said getting up and kicking the broken tape to the side.

"Now it’s my turn." He said eying a nearby thick roll of duct tape and began to head towards the door, only to stop suddenly as Saber strolled into the room with her eyes narrowing.

"Oh? Won't be a good damsel and stay tied up huh?" She said as Zen gritted his teeth hating how she was describing him as he attempted to flee by rolling out through a nearby doorway, but Saber had lurched at him sending them both crashing to the floor wrestling again. "Gaaaaaahhh!" Zen cried out knowing it was game over for him as Saber began to retape him up even tighter.

"This will hold you this time." Saber said having found more of the dry vinyl tape and used three times as much tape on him than last time. She especially used more tape around his mouth making sure it was thickly layered as she finished binding him tightly.

"Mgmgmfmfm! Ffmfmfm!" Zen cried out flopping around the floor.

"Now damsel, be good this time." Saber said as Zen groaned coming to realize that is what she thought all tied up people were called from his constant use of the word. With Saber leaving the room again, Zen attempted to break free of the tape again but found any normal methods were pointless.

"Dammit, she actually has me this time." He thought grimly as he kept squirming weakly and flopping around before coming to a rest on the floor sweating badly. "It's hot wearing this thing and....." He said blushing a little as his crotch area became extremely tight thanks to himself enjoying this. ""Got to get free." He thought eying the bathroom and began to worm his way over to it, remembering some scissors being left there as it took a few minutes to reach it, taking a moment to rest before squirming his way into it.

He reached the bathroom and saw the scissors on the counter and he leaned onto his back and reached up with his shoe clad feet and managed to knock the orange colored scissors to the ground and turn himself around and quickly took it between his hands and started to cut himself free.

"Mrmrmrm! Mrmrmrm, hhrmrm... rmrmrm!" He cried out soon cutting himself free and stood up once more as he rubbed his crotch trying to work his erection down while removing his tape gag. "This has been thrilling, but I simply must turn the tables on my fellow thief." He said sneaking back into the bedroom to see it empty and grabbed a few bedsheets and waited by the door, making a loud noise on a nearby table to draw Saber into the room.

"Come on now." He thought watching the floor closely and soon saw Saber's shadow approaching and the moment she was in the room he tossed the bedsheets over her body startling her as he wrapped her in a bear hug. "Got you now!" He said confidently as he once again wrestled with Saber.

"Leeen goonmm!" Saber cried out under the sheet as she began to squirm from side to side and kicked about with all her strength.

"You are mine!" Zen said believing he had Saber before she twisted around, throwing Zen off of her as she pulled off the sheets and once again pinned him to the ground with him squirming under her hold.

"Look what I found this time." Saber grinned holding up some red rope as Zen's eyes widen in horror knowing he had hid away all the rope to avoid being bound in it as Saber had a pure excited look in her eye.

"S-Saber." Zen begged weakly as Saber quickly tore up some of the bedsheets and stuffed it into his mouth gagging him before he could say anything more. Saber then used the last of the white tape around his head to seal in the gag muffling his voice greatly as she went to work on binding his body.

He bound her wrists first a in thick right rope cuff binding, followed by another a few inches up her arm which wrapped above and below his elbows. She then used that as an anchor to start tying a tight chest harness binding on his upper body, the rope wrapping thickly and tight around his chest, looping up and around his neck and back through the rope binding his chest and then around his sides to further ensnare his arms then around his lower stomach and back up as Saber soon knotted the rope off tightly that made Zen grunt loudly as the rope was barely tolerable.

Saber used the last of the rope, ignoring Zen's gagged pleas that it was enough as she bound rope just above his knees as his excitement was growing leaving his manhood to point out in the cat suit and make it impossible to bind his upper legs. She worked extra hard on his lower legs, wrapping the rope in a cuff style below his knees, around the middle of his shins, around his ankles and finally around the middle of his feet. The rope pulled and knotted to the point Zen was grunting lightly from how tight it was.

"Mrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm." He groaned rocking weakly, but didn't dare to move much or the rope would press heavily onto his limbs. His low cries didn't stop Saber's plans as she rolled him onto his stomach and began to place him into a very strict hogtie. "Hhhhhhhmmmmmmm!" He cried out as the rope was really biting into his body despite the suit he wore as his back was arched all the way from how tight his hogtie was.

"Hmmm." Saber thought as she watched Zen struggle, thinking now was the time for the role-playing ending. "It would seem there is nothing here in this shabby house." Saber said with a shrug of her arms sounding disappointed. "I'll simply have to settle for you." Saber smirked as Zen looked at her confused for a moment, the confusion clearing up as she removed her gloves from her slender hands and began to run her hands over his body.

"Mrpmmm." He moaned softly, enjoying the sensational touch of Saber's hands on his latex outfit. She then placed him on his side and began to run her hands up and down his side while massaging his thighs, Zen blushing lightly from her touch as she eyed his nice shapely ass and began to run her hands along it and gave it a few squeezes and gropes making Zen moan loudly through his thick gag. He was shocked she was doing all of this to him, but he didn't complain as he greatly began to enjoy it, to the point his excitement was clearly seeable in his crotch area as his manhood was poking through the outfit.

"Hmm." Saber thought eying his manhood as slowly began to stroke it through his outfit.

"Mrmrmhgh! Mrmrmmm!" Zen moan joyfully, as the latex being moved by Saber's hand was wonderful but it wasn't long till he began to feel flustered as it wasn't enough to satisfy him. His frustration shared by Saber who looked annoyed as she kept giving him a wonderful hand job while groping his ass at the same time. Every time Zen moaned, Saber grew more flustered by the not making him able to cry out with an orgasm as she stopped.

"What could I be doing wrong?" Saber wondered before having an idea and remembered Zen's special very magical wand and quickly went to fetch it.

"Mrmm?" Zen groaned wondering where she was going before his eyes widen in horror as she returned with his wand on and vibrating on highest setting.

"You will enjoy it." Saber said confidently as Zen shook his head a little while squirming weakly in his tight bindings to the point the rope made loud strained sounds.

"Nrnrnr! Rnrnrnrnr! Nnnnnnnnnnnn!" Zen cried out as Saber managed to rest the vibrating toy between his legs, getting the vibrating end part to press between his shaft and balls with the vibration affecting him greatly. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrr!" Zen cried out madly as Saber held it in place and began to stroke his cock at the same time driving him insane.

"Time to make you feel the excitement of your life." Saber said confidently holding the toy in place, every so often to break from it to tease the other parts of his body.

"Mrmrmrm, hhgghmmm...." Zen moaned, about ready to burst before Saber pulled the wand away, Zen looking flustered beyond his limit as he began to buck wildly wanting it put back as Saber instead ran it over his body. Going up and down his chest and legs, making sure to run it along his ass before running it along his man hood.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrr!" He screamed out, climaxing hard filling his crotch area of his suit with his cum that left his face blushing in a pink crimson color.

"It would seem you were backed up." Saber noted seeing a huge wet spot appear on Zen's crotch which he was embarrassed about.

"And scene?" Saber asked as Zen was panting hard as he managed to nod his head weakly. "Another great role-play." Saber noted as she completely freed Zen and allowed him to sprawl out on the floor still breathing hard. "Enjoy yourself?"

"Y-Yeah." He noted breathlessly as he sat up. "You did a wonderful job Saber, you would make a great master one day." He stated as Saber looked unsure what he meant but shook the meaning off.

"Thank you." Saber said happily accepting the comment as they began to clean up with Zen quietly promising a long teasing revenge for what Saber did this night.

The end.

Warning, the following contains GiD (male bondage) and adult content, do not read if you have issues with that.


"Jeez." Zen complained as he was picking up some scattered magazines, picking up dirty cups and coiling some long strands of scattered rope. "I don't clean for a few days and the place turns into a landfill." He grumbled as Saber just sighed irritated.

"It hasn't been a few days Zen, try over a week." She scolded him making Zen sweat drop.

"Has it been that long? Gee, the Heroic War and Bondage games really take away the time." He laughed nervously as he kept sweeping up with Saber just shaking her head and going to get the mail. Upon returning she was holding a rather large parcel which she handed to Zen.

"This arrived for you." She said as Zen's eyes lit up upon seeing it.

"Alright, it finally came! Took forever." Zen said snatching it from Saber's hands and ran into a different room.

"Hmmm, let’s see. If I remember right that package was...." She said soon smirking as she went over to a drawer, one she finally rummaged through recently as it appeared to be untouched for a while when she first opened it. Now she opened it and took out something that seem to help Zen at the start of his desires. "This is a good time for some fun of my own." Saber said becoming bold and stepping out of her comfort zone as she grabbed the rope Zen had coiled up so neatly. "I hope everything in here is up to date." Saber said glancing at the book which was all about rope bondage and how to dominate one in restraints as she slowly headed towards Zen’s room.


"It costed enough, but man does it feel great!" Zen noted happily as he had stripped down and slowly put on a blue lycra cat suit. "Hrmmmm." He noted as he stood in front of a tall mirror and ran his hands up and down his body, enjoying the feeling of the outfit on his body and was amazed at how breathable it was to wear. "Hmmmm, I wonder if I could get Saber to wear this?" He thought giddy before sighing.

"I need to get back to cleaning." He said as the rush had died down and began to remove the outfit. Before we could pull it off though he felt something run into him, the force sending him wobbling forward before a hand tightly clamp over his mouth as he was pulled backwards and pressed against Saber's chest.

"Sssrmrrrm?!" Zen cried out squirming weakly in her hold as he began to kick about, before he could do much he was sent falling forward and pinned to the floor easily. Saber's knee pressed down heavily on his backside as her right hand remain firmly over his mouth which Zen mewed through as her other hand began to glide backwards.

"So that is what you ordered, I must say Zen it looks wonderful on you." Saber complimented him making Zen blush brightly as he squirmed to get Saber off. He soon let out a loud yelp as Saber's hands began to grope his butt firmly, making him grunt louder and louder as she gave his cheeks nice firm squeezes.

"Hrhrrmmmmmmmhhhhhhh!" Zen cried out weakly as Saber worked his butt over for a few minutes before dropping the rope next to Zen's head which his eyes widen a little.

"Using one hand isn't fun, I think I need both but at the same time you need to be quiet." Saber noted as Zen shook his head as he became flustered. During his bout of being flustered, Saber quickly removed her hand only to pull a very thick cloth between Zen's lips which cleavage gagged him, greatly muffling his words as he groaned and mewed behind the gag which was tightly knotted behind his head.

Saber then took the rope and began to wind and wrap it around Zen's body which he resisted weakly but soon gave up knowing it was pointless.

The rope was wrapped thickly around his wrists and from there it was wrapped and looped horizontally around his nicely blue shaped butt which bound his hands just above his butt. From there Saber bent his legs backwards and led rope from his wrists to his ankles and left him bound in a tight hogtie with a short strand of rope which looped around his ankles and around the center of his feet that face upward. She bound more rope just below his knees to further leave his legs immobile before concentrating on his upper body.

She rendered Zen's upper body immobile by wrapping the rope horizontally on the upper, middle and lower part of his chest, which criss-crossed around the middle of his back forming a large knot that the rope intersected. Saber made sure to cinch the rope very tightly, making Zen grunt loudly into his gag as he was left arching a bit leaving his butt sticking up some.

"Hrrrrrrrrmmmmmm!" He squirmed as he tugged and pulled at the rope, twisting his wrists and limbs madly trying to get free, but his wiggling form only made Saber smirk as she reached forward and began to feel up his butt very slowly and then groped it.

"Heheheh." Saber giggled a little as she enjoyed the feeling of control over Zen who began to freak out a little at how much Saber was taking to this. "Stop struggling and take it like a man." Saber teased as Zen shut his eyes being embarrassed as Saber felt up his butt for a good while before she stood up bored of it.

"I'll go finish cleaning now, just be a good damsel and stay tied up for now." She said walking away as Zen grunted loudly becoming flustered.

"She still doesn't get that term don't work with me tied up!" Zen thought annoyed and just became embarrassed as he rolled onto his side, his hard manhood clear through the thin fabric lycra that he wore. Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, he began to lower his reaction as he fully tested his bonds, quickly becoming spooked at how well the rope work was on par with his own skill.

"Oh come on! How is Saber getting this good?" He thought as fear crept in, with rope work this good and her immense heroic strength, Saber could make Zen her pet at any time she wished. "She is so bold of late and daring, at this rate....." Zen thought before shaking his head, taking a deep breath through his nose as he had to get free.

Zen used all of his strength and knowledge to start thrashing around in the rope, bending his body often to flex the rope and slowly work the knots to a loosen state. With all of his tries though, all he could do was undo the hogtie allowing his body to lay flat and give his cramping legs and arms sometime of rest.

"Hrhmmmmm." He groaned as sweat covered his body and he felt tired from his escape attempts. He kept weakly wiggling in the bindings till Saber entered the room and glanced down and shook her head disappointed.

"Really Zen? I would have been out of those ropes in five, no three minutes. I figured you do it in two minutes. I kept waiting for you to appear and take your revenge." Saber said as Zen just mumbled angrily behind his gag as Saber kneel down next to him and undid what remain of the rope.

"Mmrmmrrm." Zen groaned, happy to feel the tight ropes leaving his body as he reached up to undo his gag which Saber promptly grabbed his left wrist firmly and forced both his hands behind his back. "Nrrrnrnr!" He cried out as Saber revealed some duct tape.

"Seems rope is too much for you, I'll go with something simpler." She said making Zen feel embarrassed as she worked on encasing his wrists thickly in duct tape and wrapped it up his arms some before severing the tape from the roll. Keeping him pinned to the floor with her legs still as she bound his ankles next very tightly in a thick layer. She finished it off by pulling off a long strip from the roll and smoothed it over Zen's damp cleavage gag which irritated him greatly.

"Mrprmrmrmrm! Hrhrrrpmr!" Zen protested as Saber tossed the duct tape roll off to the side and easily picked him up bridal style. "Hrmmmmmm." He moaned, blushing as he didn't like this, being man handled by someone small in stature despite the fact she wasn't someone normal.

Zen could only moan weakly as he was carried over to his bed and set down on it on his backside with Saber soon straddling him and grinned as she glanced down at his penis and smirked.

"I figured you be hard by now." She said as Zen moaned, as he was but managed to calm himself which as Saber began rub his penis very slowly through the lycra suit. Her slow grinding motion and the feeling of the material made Zen squirm hard as he was soon erect again.

"That's a good boy, nice and slow." Saber as Zen became more and more flustered, not about to be man handled on his own bed as he tugged and pulled at the tape wildly. Just as he was about to reach the point of no return, the tape that was binding his wrists snapped loudly and immediately lurched forward and caught Saber off guard.

"Gaaah!" She cried out as she landed on her backside, Zen on top of her as they entered a short wrestling match, Zen trying to reach for the roll of duct tape that was close by but Saber quickly took control of the situation and managed to pin Zen onto the bed.

"Rrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn!" Zen cried out as Saber grabbed the roll of duct tape and using her legs again to keep him pinned, she retaped his wrists once more and then starting from his bound ankles began to slow wind and tightly wrap the tape around his body till he was mummified in a thin layer of the shiny silver duct tape from neck to his ankles. "Rmpmrmmmm." He moaned as Saber added a few more strips over his gag for good measure.

"Now to punish the naughty damsel." Saber stated to a long groan from Zen as Saber raised her hand high into the air and then brought it down hard on Zen's butt several times, each strike making him cry out loudly.

"Mrmrmr! Rrmrmr! Nrnrnrn! Mrmrm! Hrhrrmrm!" He cried out as each strike slowly gave his butt more and more color. After several strikes, Saber slowed down to a long groping of his butt before rolling Zen onto his back.

"Now give me a good show." She commanded stepping back as Zen whined a little from his sore rear resting on the bed.

Taking a deep breath, Zen began to use all of his strength to struggle and break the tape which even with its thin layer was very hard to do.

"Ggrrrmrmrm! Gggmrnrnrnn!" Zen cried out as he squirmed with all of his might, he flexed and bucked about in the tape and after several hard pushes on the tape it started to snap in places. He managed to break the tape around his ankles, knees and arms but had given all he had to do it and went limp on his bed panting hard through his nose as he sweated like mad and felt light headed. Saber only looked on disappointed as she approached the bed and rolled Zen onto his stomach.

"You really disappoint me Zen, considering you are the one into all of this stuff I would really think you be able to break out of it with ease." She stated as Zen let out a very annoyed grunt through his gag before a loud yelp as Saber slapped his butt again. "It wouldn't take me more than a few moments to break free of what you are bound in."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Zen protested weakly as he didn't think it was needed to point out he wasn't as godly strong as she was. Zen crying out a few more times as his butt was slapped again, though it brought him discomfort he couldn't help but slightly be turned on by it.

"So if things are going to be like this, might as well do it right." She said grabbing a very large fresh roll of duct tape which made Zen whimper. Starting as his ankles again, she began to wind and wrap the roll around his body which this time was done in a thicker amount. Saber applied a bit of her strength to the wrapping this time, making a very tight constriction around his body which turned Zen on even more and made him groan in pleasure.

"Dammit, I think I'm really being turned on by this." He thought as he couldn't help himself but get rock hard as his entire body was thickly wrapped up in duct tape but his head and what was over his mouth.

Saber had stepped back, taking a seat to enjoy Zen's struggles much like he did when he bound her just as tightly. Though as she watched him struggle and struggle, flop about and wiggle like a worm, she let out a small yawn and found the display boring and already knew he couldn't get free.

"Maybe this will entice things?" She said getting up with Zen watching a bit fearful and his eyes widen as Saber made a hold around the crotch area, letting his man hood finally stand erect through the suit as she revealed a small vibrating wand toy.

"Mrpmrmr?! Nrnrnr! Nrnrnr!" He cried out and begged her not to, but with a light grin Saver began to run the toy up and down his shaft through the suit, Zen unable to help himself and moan rather long as he felt his penis throb faster. Saber pulled the toy away, going back and forth with it as she teased and dominated Zen. "Mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrr!" He cried out, feeling utterly humiliated and was being freaked out at how good Saber was at dominating him.

This was kept up for a good hour, Zen struggling fruitlessly in the tight tape as he kept being teased with no release. Eventually Saber stopped and pulled off the tape binding him easily including his thick gag. Zen flexed his sore jaw a little and tried to say something, but was cut off as Saber quickly hand gagged him.

"Mrmrmrm?!" He mewed through the hand gag as Saber was still grinning.

"We're not done yet." She reminded him as she once again pinned Zen's weaken body on the bed and revealed a large red ball gag which the rubber ball was connected to a face harness. After wedging the ball between his teeth and pulling and tightening the straps over his face, Saber took some more rope and bound his wrists above his head and ankles which both were done in a cuff tie.

"Mrprmrmm!" Zen grunted as Saber lead a long strand of rope from Zen's bound wrists to his bed post and knotted it off on the frame. She did the same with his ankles, binding them to the other side of the bed and with a little rope left over she bound his knees for good measure. "Gggnrmrm!" He grunted mad, not happy Saber was using the ball gag and face harness on him which he bought and intended to use on her freshly out of the package. He could feel his masculinity fading with every second that Saber remained in control.

Knowing little rope was used, Zen began to struggle and tug at it hoping he could easily have the knots undo themselves but he soon realized the tie was just as strong as the others.

"Mrpmrmfm!" He grunted angrily as Saber began to feel up his body, enjoying the feeling of the suit over his body as she ran her hands over his sides and thighs before stroking his penis that began to throb madly. "Rrrmrmr!" He grunted as Saber flipped him over, the rope twisting and tightening over his wrists and ankles making him cry some and yelp loudly as Saber began to play with his sore butt. She groped and rubbed it, every moment being a stinging pain for Zen and constantly tormented him.

Saber spent the next half hour feeling up his body, never stopping as if she couldn't as she felt up his back and front end, teasing him every so often.

"No wonder you do this to me, it's a lovely sensation." Saber noted as Zen whimpered and pleaded through his drool covered ball gag for her to stop. Though as she flipped him on his back again, grunting from his sore butt, Saber rubbed his thighs more and then rubbed his penis to its peaking point.

"Mmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrr!" He began to plead with her to finish him, something she didn't do as she got up and left the room. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrrrrrrrrr!" Zen grunted loudly as he glanced up at his right hand, seriously thinking about using a command seal as Saber left him hanging a hair inch away from climaxing. He thought about waiting, believing she was grabbing the hitachi wand but he was too close to wait.

Being too pleasured to make a decision, Zen twisted himself around and began to dry hump the bed as best as he could, but the material of the suit he wore seem to work against him in this manner and soon failed to bring himself to climax as he began to calm down.

"Mrmmmmmm." He groaned as Saber returned after several minutes and as if knowing what Zen was doing, began to stroke his penis slowly and then fast before taking a moment break which irritated Zen and made him cry out.

Saber kept this up and didn't stop till Zen was red in the face and physically and mentally broken down from how badly he wanted to climax and then as a sign of good faith, Saber rubbed his shaft madly to the point he immediately exploded into his new suit, making a dark wet creamy spot appear on the crotch part of the lycra cat suit.

"Mrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Zen moaned happily as he fell limp with Saber slowly untying him.

"How was I? Did I dominate you good enough?" She asked curious as Zen panted now completely free.

"Wh-where, where did you, learn all of this?" He asked as Saber reached over to a nearby table and showed Zen his old book of Bondage and Dominating.

"Heh, no wonder." He thought, as that was his first book and his first portal into this kind of life as he soon passed out, being too exhausted to stay awake as Saber smiled happily. Saber felt like she had did a good job as his servant and hoped to continue to serve him like this.

The end

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